The Chatelaine is the officer responsible for welcoming newcomers and membership retention for the Barony.
Email:[email protected]
Newcomer Information
- Society for Creative Anachronism Newcomer’s Portal – A fantastic website for exploring or explaining many aspects of the Society.
- Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. – The corporate web pages for SCA, Inc.
- Middle Kingdom – The website for the Kingdom which covers Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, parts of Kentucky, a nip of Iowa and a bit of Ontario.
- New Member’s Guide to the SCA – A comprehensive PDF exploring many aspects of the SCA.
- A Glossary of SCA Terms – A detailed yet brief PDF defining many of the more common terms, or jargon, within the Society.
- Getting Ready for your First Event – A brief PDF excerpt from the Known World Handbook about preparing for your first event.
- Elder and Novice Program – The intention of Elders and Novices is to provide folks new to the SCA with a contact person to assist with acclimating to the culture and traditions of our game. The relationship between the Elder and the Novice is intended to be of a defined period, primarily informational in nature, and one desired by both the Novice and the Elder. [ Elder Brochure, Novice Brochure]