Return from Pennsic 49!

Pennsic 49 has ended and the Shire returns home. Our chatelaine, Nasira Hatun bint Ivaz received a Purple Fret for her service. THL Brice Calquhoun represented on the Unbelted Champions team and Sir Ivan Shishov was a member of the Belted Champions team. Now that the War has ended, practice …


Congratulations to the members of the Shire of Falcon’s Quarry who were inducted into the Order of the Cavendish Knot by TRM A’kosh and Bella at Regular Event in the Cleftlands on January 19, 2019 in the Barony of the Cleftlands – Sargeant Ezra Surmon, Lord Trapper MacWillis, and Lord …

Pennsic War 46

Pennsic War 46 is over and the Shire of Falcon’s Quarry had several notable achievements!   Lady Alays de la Salle was awarded a Purple Fret at the Midrealm Court held on Thursday for her long service to the shire Ian and Sabrina Knowlton were both awarded a Dragon’s Tooth …